To write

I’ve been intensely thinking about how and what I can write for this site and, in the process, have failed to write anything at all. So I decided to write about this problem precisely.

For me, it is a mixture of circumstances which hold me back. Lack of time, demands of myself on quality and distinctiveness, and the (small) range of qualifying topics.

Especially hard seems the point of producing something that is genuinely of value. To come up with something never known to humankind. Silly. Most of all things have, logically, been said before. In one way or the other.

What recently opened my eyes to a new horizon was an issue of Matt D’Avella’s newsletter and his advice to a subscriber.

Everything has been said before but no one has said it quite like you.

Matt D’Avella

It gave me hope to achieve something worthwhile—even if most of its point isn’t all so new.

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