People from the Internet

As an introvert, it is an unusual deed to message random people on Twitter (or any platform) and ask for a coffee date. Specifically so, when there is no evidence for a positive outcome of these meetings, and you might put yourself at risk. But: you won’t know until you try.

After meeting Benjamin in 2019, I started to list a few people I’d like to get to know. Those were mostly designers based in Germany from whom I hoped to get input on my path after graduation (spoiler: I decided to not study anything).

Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet.

Simon Sinek

I have now met plenty of great people in person who I originally contacted online, even from other countries. With many I nurture occasional contact, but some have become very close friends.

The Internet™ is an extremely powerful tool to build connections—but it is of unmeasurable value when these connections turn into fruitful friendships to guide you and inspire growth; To allow you to spend life with people who give you perspective, emotional support, memories, a feeling of belonging, and—most importantly—love.

I am thankful for everyone I’ve met, and look forward to joining more adventures. If, for any reason, you want to meet, I’m happy to hear from you.

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