A statistical archive of my life. I don’t have the best memory, so I started collecting various things, sorted them into categories and kept filling them.
With AntonVenue Edel Optics Arena, Hamburg
With AntonVenue Munich, Germany
With AntonSupport act DhruvVenue uebel & gefährlich
With Anton
With AntonVenue Zenith, Munich
Setting Home
Setting Abaton KinoReview 10/10Director Brady Corbet
Watched with AntonSetting Home
Setting HomeDirector Manfred Mohl
Watched with AntonSetting Anton’s
With Henri, AntonLocation Hamburg, GermanyTotal 300€
With Anton, Daniel, NiniLocation Hamburg, GermanyTotal 11€
With Anton, Ina, Pauline, Tim, Heiko, PlutoLocation Laax GR, Switzerland
With Anton, Pauline, Tim, Heiko, Ina, AnitaLocation Laax (GR), Switzerland
With Malte, Leander, KaroLocation Hamburg, Germany